Monday, 11 April 2011

Final Boards

Customer Profile board

Promotional Board 1- Ad Shell

Promotional Board 2- Swing Tag


Russell & Bromley Store

I went to the nearest Russell & Bromley store (in southport) to see I could take some pictures of the products within the store and get an idea of swing tags for our product. However, I spoke to the manager and she was reluctant to let me, explaining that there is a strict rule on pictures taken within the store for external use. 

This photograph is taken from outside the store on Lord Street. 

Lord Street is the main shopping street in Southport and is known in its hay day a being very grand. Whilst other shops seem to be not doing so well in that area, surprisingly, Russell & Bromley are still going strong and have been for over 7 years in Southport. 

The grandeur of the exterior of the store is reflected within and it all creates an air of class for the customers, which is what the brand aims to do.


Print Screens of progress


Step One- Choose and image. Copy layer and delete locked layer in order for there to be nothing behind the picture.

Step Two- I adjusted the brightness as well as contrast, in order to reflect the intended season this advert is for.

I then set about using the polygonal tool to cut out the bag from it's background using the same technique of copying the layer and deleted the locked one.

I then used the 'free transform' tool along with the 'skew' and 'distort' tools to make the bag look like it's real size and shape compared to our model.

I tried different ways of removing the handle of the bag so that it looked more real like. And I also removed the models own handbag strap and used the clone stamp to cover up the track marks on the rock. 

However, after doing all that I then decided to use a picture whereby the models own handbag wasn't in it. The reason being was that the handles weren't looking very realistic with the hand draw sketch of ours. So instead I have opted to just place the bag besides the model in the for front, which I feel really shows it off.

Finally, I removed the image within the 'ad shell' to leave the empty background available for the advert to go in. I then used the 'free transform' tool again along with the 'perspective' tool to give the advert the right angle in which the photograph was taken. Then I brought the ad to the back to neaten off the edges.


Process of creating Promotion


Chosen image for final promotional poster.

Images that I took around London of Ad Shells that I can use to impose our final campaign.



The final images....

To reflect the brand, we decided to keep the styling simple and classic adding a light coloured mac- also reflecting the S/S season. Also, the styling had to reflect a working woman, so we kept it very 'office like' and professional.

We placed a bag at a focal point in each image so that we can then super impose our drawing.

Also, by keeping the position of the model very simplistic, it gives us the opportunity to show off the product, just like the Russell & Bromley adverts.


Promotion Ideas

When thinking about our promotion, we spontaneously decided to do a photoshoot whereby we could super impose a sketch of our bag for a P.O.S and another form of promotion. 
To continue the theme of Russell & Bromley's current advert, previously discussed, we then decided to look at a few options for locations for the shoot...

We finally came to the decision that the top location would be the best as it resembles that of the rock backdrop in their campaign.


Features of the bag

Mainly focussing on Nike, and what they already have to offer, here is a board showing different features that we have discussed as group that could be replicated, and also amended on our bag


Nike Campaigns

Unlike Russell & Bromley, as Nike is such a well known brand globally, they don't always need to feature every product within their campaigns. They will often have a sports personality as the face of the advertisements, and they are always reflecting the brand by being all about sport.

Also, they often have some form of 'strap' line to also mirror and represent the celebrity or sport they are advertising. 

However, even though our brand is sport orientated, the main reason we are not going to reflect this in our campaign is because we felt that there was a niche for sports bags that didn't always look like sports bags. Whereby a woman could take her bag to work with her, and not be embarrassed about carrying it around the office all day and whatever else. 

The main input Nike will have with our product is, not only a collaborator, being able to offer new technically advanced materials and scientific input into compartments within the bag and he general usage of the bag.


Russell & Bromley Campaigns

Russell & Bromley and Nike, where chosen as the brands to represent our bag. Introducing a collaboration between the two.
Focusing on the promotional side of the product, I then set about looking at previous, and also current, campaigns that both brands have produced to try and gather ideas for ours.

Russell & Bromley have a current campaign, which I spotted in the 'Style' magazine that is featured within The Sunday Times, whereby the model is placed in front a large rock like backdrop and all attention is on her and the product. It shows the typical woman that would wear the product, and also what sort of outfit they would wear it with.
As Russell & Bromley are a brand that only focuses on shoes and handbags, they have had to style the models to suit them and I personally feel it has been very successful. 


Target customer for gym bag

Customer Profile Board

Intended consumer
Between the ages of 25-35
Business woman
Single and independent
Living in an affluent area
Disposable income isn't an issue
Interested in fashion, fitness and work.



Point of sale

this is the poster in a point of sale situation

I have superimposed our bag to give an impression of how the real advert would look.


A New innovation in gym bag design bringing together a collaboration of two major brands, combining them to create a unique new product, which encompasses style and practicality.
From our research we identified weaknesses in the Gym bag market. Currently gym bags do not focus their attention on Smell, wetness, Size, and Aesthetics, which can make using a gym bag an unpleasant experience.
The scenario we though up for our target customer was a young professional around 25-30 who had a 9-5 office job but still wanted to find time to workout during lunch. Rushing around and commuting makes her want things to be as simple as they can and she doesn’t want to be lugging multiple bags around with her all day. So we came up with an all in one solution, a gym bag in disguise as a suitable bag for the office. This bag would have watertight and smell tight compartments but also have room for the needs of the office.
So we took it upon ourselves to find appropriate solutions, which include a water and smell-retaining pouch with Aqua seal zips. Silica gel pockets have also been incorporated as these reduce moisture that has escaped during use. The overall excellent aesthetics due to the collaboration, harnesses the style from Russell and Bromley and practicality from Nike.
For research we decided to focus at looking at the existing gym bag specification and how it dealt with problems faced at the gym. One of the bags we looked at was a bag designed by a gym for gym use. It contained features such as a membership card holder and locker pouch but didn’t solve any of the issues we came across so we felt that we had found a gap in the market for out    
Our gym bag is at the cutting edge of style and functionality and meets the needs of our target customer creating the perfect product for a gap in the market.  

my boards for the presentation, they still need tweaking

Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Trend board

This is a trend board showing the style inspiration and colour pallets for the trend - cinematic.


Designer gym bags


Gym bags



Keeping up with New Year’s Resolutions??  Choose these stylish gym bags or, just use them go out Shopping!  After all, shopping around is also exercise!!

found on:


Brand board

This is a brand that i have found that may fit our target customer and idea. 


Monday, 28 March 2011

Fashion and sport collaboration

I found these two adverts in vogue magazine, advertising a sports and fashion brand (Adidas and Stella McCartney) collaboration in aid of Team GB for the 2012 London Olympic games. The adverts take a spin on classic london images and give them and edgy fashion twist, with an injection of colour and style. This is a similar idea to what we want to create from a gym bag. We want to create a collaboration of sports and designer fashion to create something that is fit for purpose. 
